Board Committees
Led by exemplary leaders
Oversee governance, risk, and strategic direction, ensuring effective decision-making and compliance.
H.E. Dr. Olayemi Michael Cardoso
(Chairman of the Governing Board)
Central Bank of Nigeria
H.E. Rama Krishna Sithanen
(Deputy Chairman of the Governing Board)
Bank of Mauritius
H.E. Khaled Mohamed Balama Al Tameemi
Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates
Eng. Hani Salem Sonbol
Chief Executive Officer & General Manager
Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector
H.E. Basel A. Al-Haroon
Central Bank of Kuwait
H.E. Dr. Fatih Karahan
Central Bank of the Republic of Türkiye
H.E. Abdul Rasheed Ghaffour
Bank Negara Malaysia
H.E. Sheikh Bandar bin Mohammed bin Saoud Al-Thani
Qatar Central Bank
The Board Executive Committee is a committee of the Governing Board responsible for oversight of the general conduct and operations of the IILM. The Board Executive Committee (BEC) is responsible for the general conduct of the operations of the IILM.
The members of the BEC are appointed by the Governing Board for a period of three years and they may be reappointed for other periods. The members of the BEC shall continue in office until their successors are appointed.
TERM: 16 DEC 2022 TO 15 DEC 2025
H.E. Khaled Mohamed Balama
Central Bank of United Arab Emirates
The Board Risk Management Committee (BRMC) provides oversight of the management of risks that could lead to financial loss, disruption to operations, failure to attain objectives or damage to the IILM’s reputation. Additionally, the BRMC oversees the management’s activities in managing credit, market, liquidity, operational, reputational, and other risks, while ensuring that appropriate risk management processes are in place and functioning well.
The members of the BRMC are appointed for a term of three years by the Governing Board or their representatives, and they may be reappointed for further periods.
TERM: 28 MARCH 2022 – 27 MARCH 2025
The Board Audit Committee (BAC) is responsible for assisting the Governing Board in its oversight of financial reporting of the IILM. It plays a role in overseeing the effectiveness of the internal control systems, the performance of the internal audit function and the compliance of the IILM with legal and regulatory requirements.
The members of the BAC are appointed for a term of three years by the Governing Board or their representative, BAC may be reappointed for further periods.
TERM: 12 MAY 2023 – 11 MAY 2026
Mr. John Simon Onojah
Central Bank of Nigeria
The Shari’ah Committee shall have the power to decide on any Shari’ah issues relating to business, operations or activities of the IILM or any of its subsidiaries, special purpose entities or trust.
The SC provides advice to the Governing Board, the Board Executive Committee, Chief Executive Officer and the staff of the IILM on matters related to Shari’ah aspects.
Members of the SC are nominated by the Governing Board for a minimum period of three years, and they may be reappointed for further periods.
TERM: 1 JUNE 2023 – 31 MAY 2026
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