Home/Board Audit Committee

The Board Audit Committee (BAC) is responsible for assisting the Governing Board in its oversight of financial reporting of the IILM. It plays a role in overseeing the effectiveness of the internal control systems, the performance of the internal audit function and the compliance of the IILM with legal and regulatory requirements.

The members of the BAC are appointed for a term of three years by the Governing Board or their representative, BAC may be reappointed for further periods.

TERM: 12 MAY 2023 – 11 MAY 2026

Mr. Aznan Abdul Aziz (Chairman of the BAC)


Bank Negara Malaysia

Mrs. Yuri Fathia Zumara


Bank Indonesia

Mr Dhiraj Rughoobur


Bank of Mauritius

Dr. Akhtar Ali Saeed Mohammed

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Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector

Mr. Ammar Abdulla Sakini


Qatar Central Bank

Dr. Muhammed Habib Dolgun


Central Bank of the Republic of Türkiye